When We Weren't Looking

Perspective, Insight, & Humor
When We Weren't Looking

When We Weren't Looking

Perspective, Insight, & Humor


Till Anti-Trump Congress

Why did Americans move from pro-life to pro-death?

Why did Americans move from pro-life to pro-death?

Blog Paradigm Shift
By “pro-life” I’m not talking about the political movement but the capital-L American value that is enshrined, along with Liberty...
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God will protect me from coronavirus

God will protect me from coronavirus

  Hello, everyone!  We're launching our blog today with this comic created by ArtiTron.  We commissioned them to make this...
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In the Age of Trump, If you don't spread Truth, you are complicit in allowing Lies to proliferate.

When We Weren’t Looking  is a blogsite dedicated to art and essays designed to make you think differently about issues that matter.

Our mission is to give you fresh, thoughtful perspective, verifiable facts, sources and resources, and ideas for action.  No rants—but a pinch of snark.  With so many great content creators today, it’s challenging to sift through all of their products to find the gold.  We can’t be your one-stop shop; but we will compile important, thought-provoking information gathered from both legacy media and independent thinkers, delivered in a concise manner.  We will give you brief tastes of deep dives on various subjects, directing you to the original sources instead of wasting your time with too much information.   We must persist! 

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