When We Weren't Looking

Perspective, Insight, & Humor
When We Weren't Looking

When We Weren't Looking

Perspective, Insight, & Humor


Is abortion the only thing that matters to Jesus?

Is abortion the only thing that matters to Jesus?

Blog Paradigm Shift
“I have felt a heaviness in my soul lately.” by Jennifer Abel For the past couple weeks, I’ve felt it. ...
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Would you elect—and fund—a leader with no agenda?

Would you elect—and fund—a leader with no agenda?

Blog Paradigm Shift
Alarm bells sounded this week when the Republican Party announced on the eve of their convention that, for the first...
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The 35% President

The 35% President

Blog Comic When We Weren't Looking
In the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton received nearly three million more votes than Donald Trump.  When we add in...
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Why did Americans move from pro-life to pro-death?

Why did Americans move from pro-life to pro-death?

Blog Paradigm Shift
By “pro-life” I’m not talking about the political movement but the capital-L American value that is enshrined, along with Liberty...
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God will protect me from coronavirus

God will protect me from coronavirus

  Hello, everyone!  We're launching our blog today with this comic created by ArtiTron.  We commissioned them to make this...
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When We Weren’t Looking  is a blogsite dedicated to art and essays designed to make you think differently about issues that matter . . . and some that don’t.

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