Perspective, Insight, & Humor

Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy

Uncertain About Covid Vaccine I’d like to welcome artist Hana Kennedy (they/them/their) to our blog!  They designed this engaging infographic for their high-school Senior Service Project to encourage Covid vaccination.  Please SHARE this blogpost, so that we can track the success of their project! The Bottom Line We ALL have a responsibility to do our part to end this global threat. Think GLOBAL, to Give Context Here’s what I’m thinking about: The Covid Vaccine: About a quarter of Americans either hesitate or refuse to get the Covid vaccine. Medical experts warn that people have much more to fear from the …

God will protect me from coronavirus

  Hello, everyone!  We’re launching our blog today with this comic created by ArtiTron.  We commissioned them to make this piece for us.  Visit the Gallery to view/download/share art.  Enjoy, and please share widely!