Perspective, Insight, & Humor
Tag: <span>trump</span>

Feeling powerless? Here are 7 things you can do during this toxic political climate.

Four years after the election of Donald Trump, and seven months into the coronavirus pandemic, most of us are completely exhausted.  We crave a return to some kind of normalcy where the President sets a good example, defends our troops, prevents foreign interference in elections, condemns white nationalism, appoints Cabinet leaders who support and fulfill the mission of their agencies, and doesn’t use the Department of Justice as his personal fixer. Those of us in Kentucky are even more eager for a senator (and in this case Senate leader) who listens to constituents and understands that the common good cannot …

Is abortion the only thing that matters to Jesus?

“I have felt a heaviness in my soul lately.” by Jennifer Abel For the past couple weeks, I’ve felt it.  A weight.  The heaviness.  So this morning—when a block of time unexpectedly opened in my schedule—I closed myself in my room, read some of John’s gospel, opened my journal, and prayed, “Okay, God.  What is it?  My heart feels heavy.  I need to write.  But I don’t have words.  What is this feeling?” And I began to write:  Heartbreak.  It’s heartbreak.  And disillusionment.  I’ve been here before—so many times since 2016.  And here I am again. I keep seeing Christians …

Would you elect—and fund—a leader with no agenda?

Alarm bells sounded this week when the Republican Party announced on the eve of their convention that, for the first time in their history, they had decided not to present a party platform.  They ruled “out of order” any attempts to adopt one and opted instead to “reassert the Party’s strong support for President Donald Trump and his Administration” and to “adjourn without adopting a new platform until 2024.” Really? Racial injustice, life-threatening global warming, the Covid-19 death toll which in 6 months is  already triple the U.S. casualties from the brutal Vietnam War, millions unemployed and without healthcare, refugees …