Covid Stimulus Check Meme
Till Anti-Trump Congress Visit the Gallery to view/download/share comics and memes. Enjoy, and please share widely!
Till Anti-Trump Congress Visit the Gallery to view/download/share comics and memes. Enjoy, and please share widely!
Till Anti-Trump Congress By “pro-life” I’m not talking about the political movement but the capital-L American value that is enshrined, along with Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, in “The Declaration of Independence.” Yes, there are glaring inconsistencies—too many to list—which run antithetical to both a pro-life society and a political movement, policies and systems which negatively impact Americans’ quality of Life. But most Americans would not willingly endanger someone else’s life. Until now. During a worldwide pandemic, millions of Americans refuse to wear masks—despite incontrovertible evidence it saves lives. HOW did we become pro-death? We succumbed to propaganda. Before …
Till Anti-Trump Congress Hello, everyone! We’re launching our blog today with this comic created by ArtiTron. We commissioned them to make this piece for us. Visit the Gallery to view/download/share art. Enjoy, and please share widely!