Perspective, Insight, & Humor
Tag: <span>propaganda</span>

Covid Stimulus Check Meme

  Visit the Gallery to view/download/share comics and memes. Enjoy, and please share widely!  

Why did Americans move from pro-life to pro-death?

By “pro-life” I’m not talking about the political movement but the capital-L American value that is enshrined, along with Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, in “The Declaration of Independence.” Yes, there are glaring inconsistencies—too many to list—which run antithetical to both a pro-life society and a political movement, policies and systems which negatively impact Americans’ quality of Life.  But most Americans would not willingly endanger someone else’s life. Until now. During a worldwide pandemic, millions of Americans refuse to wear masks—despite incontrovertible evidence it saves lives. HOW did we become pro-death? We succumbed to propaganda.  Before you stop reading, …

God will protect me from coronavirus

  Hello, everyone!  We’re launching our blog today with this comic created by ArtiTron.  We commissioned them to make this piece for us.  Visit the Gallery to view/download/share art.  Enjoy, and please share widely!