Perspective, Insight, & Humor
Tag: <span>climate change</span>

Is Trump Christian?

Days Till Anti-Trump Congress {day} Trump Is Anti-Christian We won’t typically bother you with notifications about Memes, serious or funny.  But we are in a perilous time, and this sentiment needs to be shared.  Follow me on Threads @kimberly_kennedy_arty or on Substack @kimkennedywhenwewerentlooking, for more from WWWL or others. Visit the Memes Gallery to download and share! >  CONTACT your legislators daily to let them know you do not approve of Trump’s unilateral government overreach and inhumane policies. Better still, share brief personal anecdotes which explain how Trump’s policies affect people you know and your community. ACT >  Easier still:  …

Dear Trump Voter, This is the result of your vote.

Days Till Anti-Trump Congress {day} The first 10 days.   As you likely know, during the first 10 days of Trump’s Negative 2.0 Presidency, he rescinded dozens of previous presidents’ (mostly Biden’s) Executive Orders, as well as creating his own, covering a range of categories below.  News summaries couldn’t convey the true essence of the rescissions and orders as well as snippets of the original text below.  Moreover, there are orders which will have broad-reaching consequences and thus were short sighted.  Here are insights and perspective on the most consequential, by topic: Civil Rights & Diversity In 2017, a friend …

How Easy Would it Be for Trump to Destroy Democracy?

Days Till Anti-Trump Congress {day} This is how autocrats do it. Trump with Peeling Wallpaper Flag For the past decade, hundreds of articles and books have warned about the danger Trump poses to our (capital D) Democracy, often citing his similarities to dictators. Hundreds of former staffers and government officials—many from the Defense Department—have denounced Trump for president and warned of the threat he poses to national security.  Even  Trump’s ex-wife, Ivana, said that Donald read a book of Hitler’s speeches (a veritable roadmap),  kept in a bedside cabinet. It’s unprecedented. Yet millions of people are poised to select him …