Perspective, Insight, & Humor
Category: <span>Paradigm Shift</span>


Days Till Anti-Trump Congress {day} An Urgent WARNING Articulated I need to direct you to this article.  This is THE SINGLE MOST EYE-OPENING, EXCEPTIONAL ARTICULATION of what is going on in REAL TIME, as the Trump administration takes power and turns Democracy into Autocracy, with detailed examples from history to the present.  Although there have been dozens of articles and books warning of the likelihood of this happening, this is your one-stop-shop. The final dominoes of our Democracy are falling: 1) Rule of Law, 2) Free Press, 3) Freedom of Assembly.  This is articulated here, including the road map to …


Days Till Anti-Trump Congress {day} URGENT WARNING—SOUND THE ALARM: Red Winter of Trump Trump issued an Executive Order stating that he and AG Bondi get to interpret laws and impose those views upon federal agencies!!!  This includes the FCC, which oversees our NEWS MEDIA. WHAT THIS MEANS: Trump is taking steps to control news media, which will make it STATE-RUN MEDIA, like all autocrats before him, including Orban & Putin.  He opposes all reporting which could be considered dissent—does that sound like Democracy to you? He has already banned The Associated Press (one of the most unbiased, impartial news agencies) …

Is Trump Christian?

Days Till Anti-Trump Congress {day} Trump Is Anti-Christian We won’t typically bother you with notifications about Memes, serious or funny.  But we are in a perilous time, and this sentiment needs to be shared.  Follow me on Threads @kimberly_kennedy_arty or on Substack @kimkennedywhenwewerentlooking, for more from WWWL or others. Visit the Memes Gallery to download and share! >  CONTACT your legislators daily to let them know you do not approve of Trump’s unilateral government overreach and inhumane policies. Better still, share brief personal anecdotes which explain how Trump’s policies affect people you know and your community. ACT >  Easier still:  …