Perspective, Insight, & Humor
Kimberly Kennedy

Covid Regret

Please share widely! Visit the Gallery to view/download/share comics and memes. Read or listen to the original segment: ‘You Can See The Regret’:  ICU Nurse on Patients Who Failed to Take COVID Precautions

Our democracy won’t survive 6 more years with McConnell

Kentuckians are poised to re-elect Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.  But as a Kentuckian myself, I wonder:  What are they thinking?  Surely they know how dysfunctional Congress is, but maybe not McConnell’s role in making it that way.  The presidential race has sucked the focus away from this key race.  But to be frank:  Whether or not you dump Trump, if you keep McConnell—you’re screwed.  Here’s what you can expect: a 1)   Dereliction of Duty After Obama’s election, McConnell met with key leaders to craft a manifesto to obstruct Democrat-led legislation:  Just say NO.  GOP senators were instructed to say …

Covid Stimulus Check Meme

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