Kimberly Kennedy
Kimberly is a freelance writer, editor, artist, educator . . . and a mom who wants to make the world a better place for her kids. She specializes in progressive and women’s issues, social justice, parenting, and child development. She can be found on a hiking trail near you. Professional website. Twitter @cairographics.
ArtiTron is a young aspiring artist that works primarily in digital media but is developing in traditional mediums as well. They are also moderately skilled with drum sticks and bow and arrow, but not concurrently.
Doug Clifton
Doug is a veteran of the Vietnam War, a Postal Service retiree, and a writer whose works often share the recurring theme of choices made or not regarding opportunities seized or missed. He still takes seriously his oath to safeguard the Constitution and the nation it represents, while at the same time trying not to take himself too seriously. Lately he has found himself transformed into a reluctant radical. When not saving the world, he enjoys the moving meditations of archery and rock climbing—two pastimes which have shown him that the sound of one hand holding a bow or crimping a flake of rock and that of one hand clapping are the same.
Mary Kay Jordan Fleming
Mary Kay is a professor emerita of psychology, mother of two, doting grandmother to a goldendoodle—and a relentless advocate for children. She is an award-winning writer of humorous essays (Erma Bombeck 2016, National Society of Newspaper Columnists 2019, 2020) who was recruited by blogster and friend, Kimberly, to pour out some of her heart for social justice onto this page. In her newfound spare time, Mary Kay constantly rearranges dozens of post-it notes on which she has recorded ideas for a bestselling memoir which she may or may not live long enough to write. Find her humor publications on Facebook.
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Is to provide tools for civic education and engagement, especially contacting legislators and voting. We will give you fresh, thoughtful perspective, verifiable facts, sources and resources, and ideas for action. With so many great content creators today, it’s challenging to sift through all of their products to find the gold. We can’t be your one-stop shop; but we will compile important, thought-provoking information gathered from both legacy media and independent thinkers, delivered in a concise manner. We will give you brief tastes of deep dives on various subjects, directing you to the original sources instead of wasting your time with too much information.
Information is accurate to the best of our ability.
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